Ability Works is a renowned not for profit social enterprise that offers a welcoming and inclusive workplace for people from all walks of life, delivering inventive, commercially competitive solutions for our business customers.
Become part of the team at Ability Works. As a social enterprise we pride ourselves on being an inclusive community that welcomes everyone and finds the right fit for individual personalities and skills.
Ability Works is a highly supportive environment designed to offer employment to anyone in the community experiencing barriers to employment. Join us today!
Ability Works is known for delivering inventive, design-led solutions for all kinds of manufacturing, packaging and records management needs. Our hands-on, bespoke approach is perfect for creating high quality outcomes on every project.
Co-designing with White Box on a Financial Wellbeing Program.
READ MOREPlease enjoy the second last newsletter for the year! As always it captures the amazing work of the Ability Works team.
READ MOREAbility Works Inclusive Design in the News with Big Plans Melbourne
READ MORESwinburne University students are designing an accessible tap.
READ MOREAbility Works partnerships and grant funding projects.
READ MOREBehind the scenes of our latest video project in collaboration with Transurban.
READ MOREAbility Works awarded a Social Traders’ Award
READ MORESBS World News reporting that the current job market is not delivering for people with barriers to employment.
READ MOREToyota’s Continuous Improvement team has contributed pro bono services to Ability Works for our customer Transurban.