Customer Profiles: North Western Program Alliance
Customer Profiles: North Western Program Alliance
News | 18th March 2019
We are delighted to partner with our first major infrastructure customer the North Western Program Alliance, a partnership between the Level Crossing Removal Project, John Holland Group, KBR and Metro Trains Melbourne.
The Alliance has just accepted its first delivery of Ability Works’ pre-cut shade cloth for use on roadside barriers set up on level crossing removal projects.
Other recent articles
See all articlesJohn Holland Group workplace accessibility and inclusion
Creating a guide for John Holland Group to make their offices more accessible and inclusive.
Customised Employment – meet the team
Introducing the Customised Employment team and explaining their role.
Visitors On Tour Oct 2018
Visitors from organisations looking to potentially partner with Ability Works pictured below on tour during September were…
Ability Works Australia has packed, assembled and distributed approximately, 90,000 testing kits since myDNA became a customer in 2017.
Visitors On Tour July 2018
We actively encourage visitors to our facility in Kew to see our 130 employees’ active at a variety of tasks…
Customer Profiles: North Western Program Alliance
We are delighted to partner with our first major infrastructure customer the North Western Program Alliance…
Efficiency for Growth
This month’s theme in the Ability Works workplace has been ‘Efficiency for Growth’.
Competitive advantage via “The Person Centred approach”
In Oct 2017, I joined a relatively unknown Australian Disability Enterprise, Ability Works in Melbourne, as CEO…
Corporate Partner Volunteering Program – Launch
Staff volunteering is an important part of many Corporate Social Responsibility strategies. Our new program…
Customer Profiles: RSL Victoria – annual ANZAC appeal
With over 180,000 ANZAC badges and wrist bands to assemble then pack, our team has been busy…
Transurban & Ability Works
“Since 2011, Transurban has worked with Ability Works, a not-for-profit organisation…
“Wings through Work”: Ben & Laura’s Story
Ben and Laura love working at Ability Works Australia. It’s also where they found love for each other.
“Wings through Work”: James’ Story
James says he had great difficulty retaining jobs, sometimes being dismissed within a very short period. At Ability Works Australia James feels very much at home – accepted, encouraged, and challenged.
“Wings through Work”: Rory’s Story
Rory is singer-songwriter with the popular Australian group, Rudely Interrupted.
“Wings through Work”: Ruby’s Story
Ruby says she spent around four years trying to find a job, without success. Ability Works Australia changed all that. Here, she enjoys a variety of tasks, has grown in confidence while building on her skills, and says she has made many friends.
“Wings through Work”: Dridan’s Story
Dridan’s mother Jenny says that he would probably be just ‘on the couch at home’,…
Launch of new service – Records Management
In July we launched a new Business unit – Records Management involving: scanning, testing, digitising, coding…
NEW Temporary Fencing Repair Business
With opportunities to support the State’s major infrastructure projects leveraging our Wire & Metal Fabrication operation…
Victorian Government’s Social Procurement Framework in action
We have supplied the Mc Connell Dowell Decimil Joint Venture (MCDDJV) on the Mordialloc Freeway upgrade project.
Stanley Black and Decker
With lots of brands and growth in Building and Construction, multinational Stanley Black and Decker (SBD) selected Ability Works as a preferred packing and assembly supplier in Aug 2018.
2019 Thank You’s
As we round out 2019, we wish to say thank you to all our customers and some specific partner organisations that have provided pro bono and other assistance this year.
“Wings through Work”: Video Series
With our mission of Purpose, pride and belonging through inclusive employment…
Message from Sue Boyce CEO – COVID-19 Response
The World Health Organisation has declared Coronavirus (COVID-19) a global Pandemic.
Message from Sue Boyce CEO – COVID-19 Response – 7 May 2020
The Coronavirus ( COVID – 19) pandemic continues to cause upheaval around the globe.
Message from Sue Boyce CEO – COVID-19 Response – 1 June 2020
The Victorian Government is starting to ease restrictions in response to COVID – 19 in the community.
Message from Sue Boyce CEO – COVID-19 Response – 26 June 2020
Over the past two weeks we have seen a lifting of some of the COVID-19 restrictions…
Message from Sue Boyce CEO – COVID-19 Response – 08 July 2020
Metropolitan Melbourne and the Mitchell Shire have returned to Stage 3 Lockdown but Ability Works continues to trade.
Message from Sue Boyce CEO – COVID-19 Response – 07 August 2020
Metropolitan Melbourne has moved to Stage 4 restrictions for 6 weeks until Sunday 13 September…
Ability Works on ABC Radio
Team member Mark Galotta explains how Ability Works has given him welding opportunities…
The Victorian Prospect – Ability Works featured!
Ability Works features in the Oct 2020 ICN Prospect magazine with article ‘Ability Works – bringing purpose and belonging to the community.’
People with disabilities preserving the memory of those who served
People with disabilities are preserving the memories of Australian Defence Force members as part of a massive project to digitise the files of ADF members currently stored at Victoria Barracks, Melbourne.
Delivering Better Outcomes for Social Procurement
CEO Sue Boyce on the panel for ‘Delivering Better Outcomes for Social Procurement’ giving…
Team member Michael and customer Sharon Harnett from Department of Defence, live with Ali Moore ABC radio
Team member Michael and customer Sharon Harnett from Department of Defence…
ABC News: Social enterprises want to be included in Australia’s post-COVID-19 recovery
Victorian approach ‘making a huge difference.’
Message from Sue Boyce CEO – COVID-19 Response – 23 March 2020
The World Health Organisation has declared Coronavirus (COVID-19) a global Pandemic…
Dozie has an MBA but worked as a car salesman – until he met Alex
“When COVID-19 hit and his commission-based pay dropped to “$200 or $300 a week”…
2020 Social Traders Partnership of the Year award
Ability Works, Transurban, Aurecon, RMIT Marketing and Apricot Consulting’s…
Story on AWA’s Record Scanning business unit supervisor Kani Vincent Paul on ABC TV 7 pm news
Story on AWA’s Record Scanning business unit supervisor Kani Vincent Paul…
Major Road Projects Victoria Feature
“Social enterprise Ability Works Australia has provided crucial welding and metal fabrication…
Inside Healthy Teams Podcast
“In this episode we talk to CEO of Ability Works Sue Boyce on the topic of inclusion…
Ablequest on 2RPH
Sue Boyce (Ability Works CEO) was interviewed by Marni Roper…
Award Winners!
Ability Works and Transurban win ‘Partnership of the Year” Social Traders 2020 award for Collaboration, Creativity and Advocacy.
Calling for improved accessibility in cities
Ability Works employees Terry Drier and Laura Robinson featured in the Herald Sun…
Ability Works calling for vaccinations to be given in workplaces
“Social enterprise Ability Works, in the Melbourne suburb of Kew…
Ability Works employee generating QR codes for Yarra Trams
Last year, YT trialled using QR codes at stops, letting passengers…
Thinking Beyond: Future of Work
An insight into a future that will propel people with disability onto an equal footing in workplaces.
“How to design more inclusive cities” Podcast
“How to design more inclusive cities” by Byte Size to promote our Inclusive Design business unit…
Ability Works responding to Kyle Sandilands inappropriate comments on Paralympians
Read the full article from The Guardian here…
Tips for job seekers with a disability
“While many people living with disability are able to work unhindered, some face unique barriers…
Helen’s Story on SBS News
Ability Works’ manufacturing supervisor, Helen and our CEO Sue Boyce appeared on…
Ability Works Inclusive Design Consulting Service
Aurecon’s inclusive design approach harnessed the unique insights of our employees with a disability.
Magic That Matters – May 2022
Our May edition of Magic that Matters is now available. This is…
Ability Works Australia – An Award Winning Social Enterprise
For a two minute Virtual Tour of Ability Works services, watch this video. Contact us for an on site Facility Tour.
Magic That Matters – June 2022
Our June edition of Magic that Matters is now available.
Inclusive Design guidance from people with disabilities
The importance of consulting people with disabilities when looking at Victoria’s public transport network.
Magic That Matters – July 2022
Our July edition of Magic that Matters is now available as Callum is proudly showing off!
Magic That Matters – August 2022
Our August edition of Magic that Matters is now available as employee Dridan is happily illustrating in this pic. Enjoy!!
Ability Works & Yarra Trams Community Partnership
Did anyone see our tram over the weekend? Keep an eye for it around town over the next 16 weeks!
Social Traders Social Procurement Game Changer Award 2022 Winners – Vic & Tas
We are winners of the Social Traders Vic & Tas 2022 Gamechanger award.
Magic That Matters – September 2022
Our August edition of Magic that Matters is now available as employee Dridan is happily illustrating in this pic. Enjoy!!
“Getting It Right” with Mark Golotta and Craig Foster
The latest podcast, “Getting It Right”, hosted by Craig Foster features our very own Mark Golotta.
Magic That Matters – October 2022
Our October edition of Magic that Matters is now available. Enjoy!!
Magic That Matters – November 2022
Please enjoy the second last newsletter for the year! As always it captures the amazing work of the Ability Works team.
Ability Works recipient of Toyota’s expertise
Toyota’s Continuous Improvement team has contributed pro bono services to Ability Works for our customer Transurban.
Ebony and Sue appear on SBS World News
SBS World News reporting that the current job market is not delivering for people with barriers to employment.
Collaboration with Transurban
Behind the scenes of our latest video project in collaboration with Transurban.
Grants and Funding News
Ability Works partnerships and grant funding projects.
Swinburne students inclusive design project
Swinburne University students are designing an accessible tap.
Big Plans 3D Walk-Through
Ability Works Inclusive Design in the News with Big Plans Melbourne
Ability Works News – Employee spotlight and shout-outs
Please enjoy the second last newsletter for the year! As always it captures the amazing work of the Ability Works team.
Co-design with White Box Enterprises
Co-designing with White Box on a Financial Wellbeing Program.
Funding for ‘Building Digital Skills Program’ training
Ability Works holds ‘Building Digital Skills Program’ training
Ability Works ‘Get Online Week’ events
Activities to improve employees’ digital skills and feel more confident using the internet.
Digital Accessibility Community News
Inclusive Design Team join OZeWAI and present at the Perth Web Accessibility Meetup
Accessibility input into zero-emission buses
Creating a guide for John Holland Group to make their offices more accessible and inclusive.
Swinburne students inclusive design final project
Swinburne University students’ final prototype of an accessible tap.
John Holland Group workplace accessibility and inclusion
Creating a guide for John Holland Group to make their offices more accessible and inclusive.
Customised Employment – meet the team
Introducing the Customised Employment team and explaining their role.
Visitors On Tour Oct 2018
Visitors from organisations looking to potentially partner with Ability Works pictured below on tour during September were…
Ability Works Australia has packed, assembled and distributed approximately, 90,000 testing kits since myDNA became a customer in 2017.
Visitors On Tour July 2018
We actively encourage visitors to our facility in Kew to see our 130 employees’ active at a variety of tasks…
Customer Profiles: North Western Program Alliance
We are delighted to partner with our first major infrastructure customer the North Western Program Alliance…
Efficiency for Growth
This month’s theme in the Ability Works workplace has been ‘Efficiency for Growth’.
Competitive advantage via “The Person Centred approach”
In Oct 2017, I joined a relatively unknown Australian Disability Enterprise, Ability Works in Melbourne, as CEO…
Corporate Partner Volunteering Program – Launch
Staff volunteering is an important part of many Corporate Social Responsibility strategies. Our new program…
Customer Profiles: RSL Victoria – annual ANZAC appeal
With over 180,000 ANZAC badges and wrist bands to assemble then pack, our team has been busy…
Transurban & Ability Works
“Since 2011, Transurban has worked with Ability Works, a not-for-profit organisation…
“Wings through Work”: Ben & Laura’s Story
Ben and Laura love working at Ability Works Australia. It’s also where they found love for each other.
“Wings through Work”: James’ Story
James says he had great difficulty retaining jobs, sometimes being dismissed within a very short period. At Ability Works Australia James feels very much at home – accepted, encouraged, and challenged.
“Wings through Work”: Rory’s Story
Rory is singer-songwriter with the popular Australian group, Rudely Interrupted.
“Wings through Work”: Ruby’s Story
Ruby says she spent around four years trying to find a job, without success. Ability Works Australia changed all that. Here, she enjoys a variety of tasks, has grown in confidence while building on her skills, and says she has made many friends.
“Wings through Work”: Dridan’s Story
Dridan’s mother Jenny says that he would probably be just ‘on the couch at home’,…
Launch of new service – Records Management
In July we launched a new Business unit – Records Management involving: scanning, testing, digitising, coding…
NEW Temporary Fencing Repair Business
With opportunities to support the State’s major infrastructure projects leveraging our Wire & Metal Fabrication operation…
Victorian Government’s Social Procurement Framework in action
We have supplied the Mc Connell Dowell Decimil Joint Venture (MCDDJV) on the Mordialloc Freeway upgrade project.
Stanley Black and Decker
With lots of brands and growth in Building and Construction, multinational Stanley Black and Decker (SBD) selected Ability Works as a preferred packing and assembly supplier in Aug 2018.
2019 Thank You’s
As we round out 2019, we wish to say thank you to all our customers and some specific partner organisations that have provided pro bono and other assistance this year.
“Wings through Work”: Video Series
With our mission of Purpose, pride and belonging through inclusive employment…
Message from Sue Boyce CEO – COVID-19 Response
The World Health Organisation has declared Coronavirus (COVID-19) a global Pandemic.
Message from Sue Boyce CEO – COVID-19 Response – 7 May 2020
The Coronavirus ( COVID – 19) pandemic continues to cause upheaval around the globe.
Message from Sue Boyce CEO – COVID-19 Response – 1 June 2020
The Victorian Government is starting to ease restrictions in response to COVID – 19 in the community.
Message from Sue Boyce CEO – COVID-19 Response – 26 June 2020
Over the past two weeks we have seen a lifting of some of the COVID-19 restrictions…
Message from Sue Boyce CEO – COVID-19 Response – 08 July 2020
Metropolitan Melbourne and the Mitchell Shire have returned to Stage 3 Lockdown but Ability Works continues to trade.
Message from Sue Boyce CEO – COVID-19 Response – 07 August 2020
Metropolitan Melbourne has moved to Stage 4 restrictions for 6 weeks until Sunday 13 September…
Ability Works on ABC Radio
Team member Mark Galotta explains how Ability Works has given him welding opportunities…
The Victorian Prospect – Ability Works featured!
Ability Works features in the Oct 2020 ICN Prospect magazine with article ‘Ability Works – bringing purpose and belonging to the community.’
People with disabilities preserving the memory of those who served
People with disabilities are preserving the memories of Australian Defence Force members as part of a massive project to digitise the files of ADF members currently stored at Victoria Barracks, Melbourne.
Delivering Better Outcomes for Social Procurement
CEO Sue Boyce on the panel for ‘Delivering Better Outcomes for Social Procurement’ giving…
Team member Michael and customer Sharon Harnett from Department of Defence, live with Ali Moore ABC radio
Team member Michael and customer Sharon Harnett from Department of Defence…
ABC News: Social enterprises want to be included in Australia’s post-COVID-19 recovery
Victorian approach ‘making a huge difference.’
Message from Sue Boyce CEO – COVID-19 Response – 23 March 2020
The World Health Organisation has declared Coronavirus (COVID-19) a global Pandemic…
Dozie has an MBA but worked as a car salesman – until he met Alex
“When COVID-19 hit and his commission-based pay dropped to “$200 or $300 a week”…
2020 Social Traders Partnership of the Year award
Ability Works, Transurban, Aurecon, RMIT Marketing and Apricot Consulting’s…
Story on AWA’s Record Scanning business unit supervisor Kani Vincent Paul on ABC TV 7 pm news
Story on AWA’s Record Scanning business unit supervisor Kani Vincent Paul…
Major Road Projects Victoria Feature
“Social enterprise Ability Works Australia has provided crucial welding and metal fabrication…
Inside Healthy Teams Podcast
“In this episode we talk to CEO of Ability Works Sue Boyce on the topic of inclusion…
Ablequest on 2RPH
Sue Boyce (Ability Works CEO) was interviewed by Marni Roper…
Award Winners!
Ability Works and Transurban win ‘Partnership of the Year” Social Traders 2020 award for Collaboration, Creativity and Advocacy.
Calling for improved accessibility in cities
Ability Works employees Terry Drier and Laura Robinson featured in the Herald Sun…
Ability Works calling for vaccinations to be given in workplaces
“Social enterprise Ability Works, in the Melbourne suburb of Kew…
Ability Works employee generating QR codes for Yarra Trams
Last year, YT trialled using QR codes at stops, letting passengers…
Thinking Beyond: Future of Work
An insight into a future that will propel people with disability onto an equal footing in workplaces.
“How to design more inclusive cities” Podcast
“How to design more inclusive cities” by Byte Size to promote our Inclusive Design business unit…
Ability Works responding to Kyle Sandilands inappropriate comments on Paralympians
Read the full article from The Guardian here…
Tips for job seekers with a disability
“While many people living with disability are able to work unhindered, some face unique barriers…
Helen’s Story on SBS News
Ability Works’ manufacturing supervisor, Helen and our CEO Sue Boyce appeared on…
Ability Works Inclusive Design Consulting Service
Aurecon’s inclusive design approach harnessed the unique insights of our employees with a disability.
Magic That Matters – May 2022
Our May edition of Magic that Matters is now available. This is…
Ability Works Australia – An Award Winning Social Enterprise
For a two minute Virtual Tour of Ability Works services, watch this video. Contact us for an on site Facility Tour.
Magic That Matters – June 2022
Our June edition of Magic that Matters is now available.
Inclusive Design guidance from people with disabilities
The importance of consulting people with disabilities when looking at Victoria’s public transport network.
Magic That Matters – July 2022
Our July edition of Magic that Matters is now available as Callum is proudly showing off!
Magic That Matters – August 2022
Our August edition of Magic that Matters is now available as employee Dridan is happily illustrating in this pic. Enjoy!!
Ability Works & Yarra Trams Community Partnership
Did anyone see our tram over the weekend? Keep an eye for it around town over the next 16 weeks!
Social Traders Social Procurement Game Changer Award 2022 Winners – Vic & Tas
We are winners of the Social Traders Vic & Tas 2022 Gamechanger award.
Magic That Matters – September 2022
Our August edition of Magic that Matters is now available as employee Dridan is happily illustrating in this pic. Enjoy!!
“Getting It Right” with Mark Golotta and Craig Foster
The latest podcast, “Getting It Right”, hosted by Craig Foster features our very own Mark Golotta.
Magic That Matters – October 2022
Our October edition of Magic that Matters is now available. Enjoy!!
Magic That Matters – November 2022
Please enjoy the second last newsletter for the year! As always it captures the amazing work of the Ability Works team.
Ability Works recipient of Toyota’s expertise
Toyota’s Continuous Improvement team has contributed pro bono services to Ability Works for our customer Transurban.
Ebony and Sue appear on SBS World News
SBS World News reporting that the current job market is not delivering for people with barriers to employment.
Collaboration with Transurban
Behind the scenes of our latest video project in collaboration with Transurban.
Grants and Funding News
Ability Works partnerships and grant funding projects.
Swinburne students inclusive design project
Swinburne University students are designing an accessible tap.
Big Plans 3D Walk-Through
Ability Works Inclusive Design in the News with Big Plans Melbourne
Ability Works News – Employee spotlight and shout-outs
Please enjoy the second last newsletter for the year! As always it captures the amazing work of the Ability Works team.
Co-design with White Box Enterprises
Co-designing with White Box on a Financial Wellbeing Program.
Funding for ‘Building Digital Skills Program’ training
Ability Works holds ‘Building Digital Skills Program’ training
Ability Works ‘Get Online Week’ events
Activities to improve employees’ digital skills and feel more confident using the internet.
Digital Accessibility Community News
Inclusive Design Team join OZeWAI and present at the Perth Web Accessibility Meetup
Accessibility input into zero-emission buses
Creating a guide for John Holland Group to make their offices more accessible and inclusive.
Swinburne students inclusive design final project
Swinburne University students’ final prototype of an accessible tap.
John Holland Group workplace accessibility and inclusion
Creating a guide for John Holland Group to make their offices more accessible and inclusive.
Customised Employment – meet the team
Introducing the Customised Employment team and explaining their role.