Jane is smiling, she has light, mid-length hair and pink glasses and Aline is smiling, she has dark curly hair. Jane is smiling, she has light, mid-length hair and pink glasses and Aline is smiling, she has dark curly hair.

Customised employment – new team members

Customised employment – new team members

We’re sure many of you have noticed some new faces wandering around Ability Works, and we’d like to introduce you to a few of them. Over the next few issues of our newsletter, we hope to introduce you to the full Customised Employment team and explain their role within the company.

Customised Employment is a person-centred approach to assisting those experiencing barriers to mainstream employment to find the role that is ideal for them and their circumstances.

The specially trained team meet with interested participants and their support people on a regular basis to get to know the participants’ interests and skills so they can better understand their strengths and limitations.

Introducing Jane

Jane is based in our East Metro team, with over 30 years’ experience in the disability and community health sector as well as several years’ experience in counselling. Her focus is on supporting and empowering people to identify any challenges they may be experiencing in relation to employment and develop strategies to address these.

Introducing Aline

Aline is a CE counsellor who focuses on building a strong relationship with participants, identifying their strengths, and working with clients’ skills relating to their employment goals using a holistic approach to move to action effectively. Aline is a good listener and likes interacting with people. In her spare time, she likes to walk, run, and be close to nature.

Customised Employment website updates

The Inclusive Design team has been reviewing and enhancing our website to boost accessibility and optimise user experience. Recently, the team focused on creating a dedicated page for Customised Employment to highlight their services and make the details easier to find. Thanks to the collaborative efforts of Clare from Customised Employment and Bri from Inclusive Design, these improvements are now live on our website. Be sure to visit our website and explore the exciting changes!

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