Products & Services
Products & Services
Ability Works is an award-winning social enterprise delivering wire and metal manufacturing, records management, packing and rework and inclusive design services.
We employ a staff of 180+ people who are experiencing significant barriers to employment. Together we provide quality goods and services for government, business and non-profits. An accredited NDIS service provider, Ability Works’ operations are accredited to ISO 9001:20 and NDIS quality standards, and Social Traders certification.
Our business partnering and engineering capabilities combined with an adept use of technology ensures we tailor solutions to the needs of a diverse range of customers, including the Department of Defence, Transurban and RSL Victoria. We manufacture in Melbourne, provide local jobs and distribute nationally.
DOWNLOAD OUR CAPABILITY STATEMENTFind out more about Social Procurement…
Why choose us?
At Ability Works we believe employment is the best way for people living with a disability or experiencing social disadvantage to achieve a sense of purpose, pride and belonging.
This is why we partner with organisations and companies (our clients) who are equally committed to empowering lives at the same time as producing great quality products and generating business value.
Have any questions? Get in touch with our team below!
Frequently Asked Questions
As a successful social enterprise, Ability Works’ delivers a wide range of services, from supporting people with significant barriers to employment, to tailoring solutions for customers in diverse industries. The following questions help explain what we do and achieve for our customers and our staff.